Russian Troops Demand Passwords for Stolen Ukrainian PlayStation Consoles

Looting is one of the main qualities that Russian occupiers showed during the invasion of Ukraine. We already know about stolen cars, washing machines, laptops, etc. We can add gaming consoles to this list. A PlayStation 4 was stolen from a Mariupol citizen by Russian troops and that is not the end of the story. The thief (or someone who bought the console from him) contacted the PS4 owner and demanded the password for his PSN account.


The thief needs it so he can access a list of hidden games. Thus, he can remove them from there and launch them. But that is not all… As you might know, PSN is currently blocked in Russia. So, one of the reasons to demand access to Ukrainian accounts might be gaining the ability to use PlayStation services.

What can a Ukrainian do in this situation? It’s not possible to return the PS4 physically, of course. The easiest and most effective action in this situation is to block a console. How can you do it? There is no obvious answer. However, you must contact the PlayStation support team. Describe your story and provide evidence that proves you are the legit console owner. To do so you might need a receipt and your console’s serial number. Additionally, provide receipts for any games that are connected to the main account on your console.

We hope that the PlayStation support team will do all it can, so occupiers can’t use electronics stolen from Ukrainians. This applies not only to consoles, but any devices. If you have any additional advice feel free to share it in the comment section.

BMAC Zelda

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